Friday, September 21, 2012

T.R.A.V.E.L. Binders

This year we are trying to be a little more organized, so we came up with a binder that will hold everything important for our 3rd Graders this year. We are calling it a T.R.A.V.E.L. Binder (Teach Responsibility and Valuable Everyday Lessons). Students will have to take these home every night, have them at school everyday, and take very good care of them. This is what they look like, and what we have in them...

The cover...

The first page has an explaination of everything located inside as well as "directions" for each section. Our Course of Study for reading and math is on the back...

The next few pages contain our 3rd grade "handbook". This handbook just explains a few things we do and expect in 3rd grade. We are very thorough teachers, and I think we covered just about everything you can imagine. Parents will be able to refer to this whenever they have any questions.

Next, we have a zipper pouch for money and notes, our weekly newsletter, monthly calendar and lunch menu, and then our planner.

Finally, we have a series of folders for important papers, homework, reading log, graded papers, and parent signature sheet.

 So far these have worked wonderfully!!! I can definitely tell my students are much more organized by having everything located in one nice spot.

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